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​Parent Resources

   Studies have indicated that children whose parents and/or other significant adults share in their formal education tend to do better in school. Some benefits that have been identified that measure parental involvement in education include, higher grades and test scores, long term academic achievement, positive attitudes and behavior, more successful programs, and more effective schools. All parents want their children to become successful, caring adults. Similarly, many parents want to be involved with the formal education of their children. Sometimes, however, they don't know where to start, when to find the time, or how to go about making positive connections with the school. The information provided on these pages and this website are provided to help you stay involved with your child's education. 
Infinite Campus
  To help you more effectively monitor the progress of your child, the Clark County School District provides a web based system. This system will provide detailed, real-time information, including: Demographics, Schedules, Assignments, Assessment Scores, Calendar, Grades, Attendance, Graduation Progress, Academic Planner, To Do List, Reports, District and School Notices.



The guidelines in this brochure have been established to provide the most effective parent-school communication. Parents should follow the Chain of Command when addressing concerns.



The CCSD Parent General Information provides links to CCSD resources such as transportation, zoning, and calendar items.

Safe Route to School

The purpose of the Safe Route to School program is to reduce the potential for accidents and other traffic related conflicts with youngsters going to and from school. A map has been developed so that parents or guardians and students can select a safe route to MJ Christensen.



MJ Christensen promotes a BullyFree environment and every student is required to sign a Bully Free Oath at the beginning of the year or when they enroll at MJ Christensen. Students are encouraged to report any of the following incidents: threats, slurs, unwelcome jokes, any act of retaliation, graphic comments about one's body, epithets, blocking a person's normal movements, unwanted touching, unwelcome sexual advances, or anything that would make a student feel uncomfortable about being in school. If your child reports any type of bullying to you, please notify the school principal and classroom teacher immediately so appropriate action can be taken. All correspondence will be kept confidential so your child feels safe and secure at our school. Our students are consistently told to report all incidents to the nearest adult employee on campus and to their parents. It is expected that the adult employee will immediately report all incidents to the principal so the bullying is taken care of immediately.


If you witness or are a victim of any act of bullying you can report it anonymously by clicking this link.

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